ReHouse Architectural Salvage
469 W Ridge Rd, Rochester, NY 14615
About ReHouse
The Store

Visit our store at 469 W Ridge Rd  near Dewey in Rochester, NY featuring 21,000 sq. ft. of quality used building materials. 

9 to 5  Mon - Tue
9 to 5  Thu
9 to 7  Fri - Sat
closed Sun and Wed
(585)288-3080  Learn more …


We sell used doors, windows, plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures, flooring, trim, hardware, cabinets, and more. Both modern and antique. Learn more ...


ReHouse salvages our products from houses being demolished or remodeled. If you are planning to tear down a house or have architectural elements you no longer need, contact us. Learn more …

Mail List

If you’d like to receive notices of special events, sales, and new products register for our email list. Read about our email policy.

ReHouse Links
ReHouse page on facebook.

The ReHouse page on Facebook is very active and is a good way to see what's new.  "Like" us and share ReHouse with your friends.

ReHouse on Pinterest.

You can find inspiration for your next project on our ReHouse page on Pinterest.


A small selection of our products are available for sale on Etsy.  You can browse and purchase them here.


A very small selection of our products are advertised on craigslist.  You can see them here.

Latest News

Furniture SaleFurniture SALE!

Now Through Feb 1st,
Take 25% off All Furniture

We are overstocked with great wood furniture!

Over 31 pieces of large furniture were saved from the landfill from our recent salvage job. So along with the pieces that were already in stock, it's probably the most we have ever had to offer. Over 300 items.

Chairs, dressers, desks, trunks and more!

Chest of Drawers
Chest of Drawers
Small Table
coffee tables
Dining Room Table
Wall Unit
Dining Rm Table and Cabinet

Sample of ReHouse Architectural Salvage products

Artisans Annex

Great Gift Shopping

Artisans Annex (at ReHouse) is fully stocked with new and beautiful artwork, jewelry, and unique gifts of all sizes. Here are a few examples:

Products at Artisans Annex.

 Artisan Annex Products

ReHouse Gift Cards

ReHouse Gift CardThe perfect gift for someone that loves (or would love) ReHouse. We have gift cards available in any denomination.

Visit Our Neighbor

Benedums Antiques and Gifts

Next time you stop in to ReHouse, check out Benedum's Antiques and Gifts. They are right next door!

We know you'll find something inside that delights you.  Nancy seems to have a little of everything on her well stocked shelves. Get a small glimpse on their web page.  Or just pop in.  It's well worth the trip.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

ReHouse strives to better the environment by reusing antique, vintage, and modern building materials that would have otherwise gone to the landfill.

We are creating jobs and stimulating the economy. Stop into ReHouse today!

Center of the Ridge

ReHouse is a proud member of the Center of the Ridge Business Association. Shopping, Entertainment, and Services at the Center of it all.

469 W Ridge Rd, Rochester, NY 14615
Copyright 2025, ReHouse Inc.
updated 1/24/2025
